Simplify and receive your digital bill in the channel that best suits you

Speed is your thing!
Activate our WIFI Internet and you can opt for a variety of speeds to fit every budget and digital lifestyle.
We have a plan made for you!

Make transactions without lines or waiting
Register in our Virtual Office office.activa.do and you will be able to pay, check balance, view your payment history, report breakdowns, send service requests and much more.

New appointment system
Schedule your virtual appointment to carry out transactions in our offices whitout having to wait in line.

Simplifícate y recibe tu factura digital en el canal que se adapte mejor a ti
Call Center: (809) 552-0577
WhatsApp Bot: (829) 423-0100
Oficina Virtual: Clic aquí

¡Lo tuyo es la velocidad!
Activa nuestro Internet WIFI y podrás optar por una variedad de velocidades que se ajustan a cada presupuesto y estilo de vida digital.
¡Tenemos un plan hecho para ti!

Realiza transacciones sin filas ni esperas
Regístrate en nuestra Oficina Virtual oficina.activa.do y podrás pagar, consultar balance, ver tu historial de pagos, reportar averías, enviar solicitudes de servicios y mucho más.

Nuevo sistema
de citas
Agenda tu cita virtual para realizar transacciones en nuestras oficinas sin que tengas que hacer filas.
Live your life, live it Active!
Activa offers a wide range of TV, internet and telephone services to residential and commercial customers in an immersive experience. We are committed to integrating the highest quality service with superior communications and entertainment products.